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Why Coaching?

Guidance on the Way to a Happier and Fulfilled Life


Find Balance


Move Forward



Reach Full Potential

What is Coaching?


Coaching is a mind-opening (or even mind-blowing;) and creative process destined at unlocking client’s personal and professional potential for a happier life. In a series of coaching sessions, the coach supports the client to generate new thinking and insights, discover solutions, and follow through with actions that will bring about the desired change towards the client’s goal.


Combined with the contemporary neuroscience, i.e., the understanding of how the brain works, coaching can serve as a transformational tool to help you rewire your brain. In the coaching process you will be creating and embedding new neural connections around supporting beliefs and new positive habits.


Through coaching these new synaptic maps in your brain will be getting more depth and density, week after week. Eventually you will be able to break free from the hardwired survival-mode autopilot your brain runs on by default, replacing it step by step with a new operating system, bringing you closer to being happy, HERE and NOW. Despite the everyday stress. Despite the challenging external world.


Everything that is discussed in the coaching session remains confidential. The coaching relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the client shares with the coach as part of this relationship, is bound by the principles of confidentiality set forth in the ICF Code of Ethics.

Support That Makes a Difference

Networking Event

Career Coaching

In balance

Heart Shape Cookie Cutter

Relationship Coaching

In sync

Beach Meditation

Life Coaching

In bliss

Natural Medicine

Health Coaching

In shape


©2021 by Barbara Karbownik


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